Guys !!
I dont know if i'm in agreement ….but i think ts time to introduce Ms Starovoitova Maryna to our readers
Maryna is the new intern ( a week old now ) and the latest inclusion ( dated 3rd june 2002) in our team.
She is a Russian…lived in Ukraine … worked in France ….studying in Germany… just returning from New York with her boyfriend You dont have read between lines to find out that she knows Russian,French German and English and speaks all of them fluently.
A 7.5 pointer on a BABS scale [ A- , B , B , C- ] ( to the uninitiated brains …BABS scale invented by cooldudes should remain unintialised )…Ms Maryna has caused a rapid repositioning of the socialising groups present here .Old friends of sandor and chris have started to take meals with us …..and its not difficult to make new friends now . It was a discovery for me to find a lot of people in my socialising group smoke ( yes ! !…she smokes and others try to give her company ). There has been considerable changes in my dear Sandor as well…..he shaves daily now .
And if you better realise …its really a MONOPSONY being played here .
I ….as I have stated before … out of any such race .
To make you guys feel better …I must tell you that IITians are not the only frustu souls on planet earths …we have stiff competition from these europeans (sadly ….you have weak representation ..…i'm not game this time )
After building such a background for her …i dont think i can do justice to Ms. Maryna if i try to describe her in words..…except adding that she is working on the same project as I'm and on been given a (excatly) similar task ….she declared that its too much for two months. POOR ME ! !.
(not this time)