Friday, June 21, 2002

21st June ...


Today is a very interesting day .Its the longest day you can have .

I have got a P ! ! ! at my place now.Ideally it should be used to run VARITY (see footnote).but i hope there will be interesting implications.And it will surely improve my efficiency .

I have come to know that i cant come back home before 22nd july .which is bad .No seats before 22…aaakk ! !.

Today is " fete de la musique " the annual music festival of France when they welcome summer ….rem today is the longest day of the year ! !….start of summers

I was reminded today in a meeting of my class room lectures.and al. I must confess this in my diary that Never in my life i have been able to stand any lecture ,recietals , or orations….including corporate presentations . I sleep through them ! ! . And its painful that you MUST take notes (which i have never done )..otherwise you 'll be sleeping in the next meeting or the discussion at the cofee bars …. " not good for your career ! ! "

Enjoy the you day ! !

FOOTNOTE : VARITY is a million Francs software which is capable of data mining and data mapping .When asked about these terms , The fundu compsc iitians and someother doing internship in same field had no answers except … "you dont define DM & DM …you realize what it is when you work on it .( something like suban said in CS130…. " you dont define OOPS…every (fuckin ) soul in jia sarai knows it …you realise when you work on it " ). Well…for begginers …its grandpa of google and does all sort of searching , crawling on internet given a few parameters , and then give catagorical results .( good for americans and germans ).