hi guys ....
i m back to my senses and a bit more relaxed ...so
its diary time again....
At times i envy kapoor for enjoying his life in spain ...though he not telling anyone ( read everyone for me )...but i know there is a wealth of opportunity in spain ( and i pray for that idiot !! )
I repeatedly keep telling peopl here that spainsh arictecture is more attractive than that of paris ( and no french will except that ever !!)...the reason simply being the amount of variation in style and mode of construction.
There are a few other interesting things to note bout spain...which includes love of spainish people for their ( big !! ) dogs ( i have been told they trust dogs more than their children )....warm climate ...which has more effect on spaish people than parisians !!...lovely beaches and there extensive uses !!...the fact that musti is as omnipresent as( and at times more effluent than ) GOD himself.
there is simply no place for old people .....and the intresting fact is that they never get old ( 18 till i die types !!).Girls on average are more beautifull than french ( no comparison with indian possible ...totally different domains !!).
the Barcelona city was very nicel presented and i found it more lively than paris( people r always running for their lives coz they r machines !! ).The walking tour will be an everlasting memory ...it was one those fantasies turned realities which ( i thought ) happens only in movies ( and in present case ) in travel shows.
As for Mr pathak ...i have found the (atleast one) answer to our question ( for others ...i and pathak when roaming around those beautiful and grand showroms of paris were mystified by the fact that while the shops( by pais standards ) r filled with exotic clothings and lively manequins but ...WHERE ARE THE GIRLS !!В°.... who get dressed or buy these lovely things ..)
the answer as evident is SPAIN !!
Well another example of french coolness and spainish(concernlessness should i say )...i lost my return ticket ( 60ВЈ!!)when i was madly searching for kapoor in this !! land ....the logical solution wd be i shd get a copy of my ticket with some charges ...but they simply told me to get a new one ( myheart sank...60ВЈ!! )...
the sol was less costly ..trusting on the french..i went to the french border by a spainish train and told the SNCF(frech equivalent of IR) guy bout my prob...though it was in french ..i made out that i dont need the tickect nemore ..( u can always trust frenchies in need !!)
since morning i have been hoping ...wat has now become my signature for this mail accout
Just hope that you could read between the lines...
В° : trademark question