Friday, May 24, 2002

Barcelona on foot ...

sorry guys !!

i left you in the middle of an exciting story(atleast for me !!)

(( recap : available on recquest !!))

well ...since we had enjoyed ur sunday thoroughly ...hum ghode gadhe aur iitians ..sab bech kar so gaye .

next morning kaps had to join office and i was too move for my quest..
i planned to roam onthe streets of barcelona . my train back to paris was scheduled for 3 pm so reaching barcelona sants at 11 gave barcelona four full hours of my presence....
i hope they enjoyed as much i did ....
i started my walking tour from the temple of gaudi ....which in itself is a masterpiece ( some do count it as one of the wonders of the world)....for the uninitiated...antoni gaudi was a gem of a architecture...and hes is known for his innovative works which have made barcelona a marvellous site to look at ....
by kapoor it was ridiculous to describe barcelona as a city which u can walk through...but kapoor i ll suggest that u reconcider ....coz as i went along with my four hr walk i found some amazing piece of architecture casted in a unmatchable style ( unlike paris where repition is is highly noticible ) .
i had my lunch under the sun at a street side mcD( one of my fav past times have food or drinks at tables placed out on streets ..a common practice here in europe !!) in front of gaudi' temple is an amazing struture and i kept looking at it for all of my 20 min
i found time running out of my hands i moved toward the monumental de la catulnya (original parliament of catulunya region ) arch the triuph( as u can guess ...buld to signify some vitory ..pretty much sam as the A D triumph inpais and india gate ...)
to the musee de zoologic the twin towers ( spanish version ..looking over to the beaches )..
it was then i realised that i took a wrong turn i i found myself in a munirka like residencial area ...thanks to the vast sea ..i found out my way to the main street and then moved to the mirador de colom.
it was interesting to find every crossroad in barcelona to have a pillar or a monument to center it .place catalunya ( which will come soon ) M de colom arch de triumph and all r such roundabouts and all.
i even found a small killa in the centre of city which was surrounded by classical channel of water ( sans water in this case ).
then i moved to the most beautifull site of the city ...

the museum of arts of catalunya(marc) is built on a mound and looks into the city..built symmetrically front covered by the water which flows down centrally ..and looking into the city u find the place catalunya and two tower placed on the road connecting it the cannot be described in words wait for the photographs ...

then i moved to the 92'olympic site and saw some pretty regular( olymic standard stadiums and all!!

tome was running out ...and i decided to return to the station ....

and if kapoor will follow his map ..through this route i covered most of the imp places in barcelona and also enjoyed the streets and the beaches and the culture of the city ( highly recommended to alll))

next i found my self moving to paris ..with all the memories and a desire to return ....

I ll suggest that we assemble in paris ( with serd and mogu )it will be a nice idea to go back to barcelona ...

allot has to be said and it looks am running outta time again ...and i think it will be disrespectfull if i dont add a few things about spain and spanish people ( with some interesting add ons i recieved about
Spain from my socialising club !!)

hoping to return in ur inbox ...
